Enfield Methodist Circuit – Worship led by Reverend Valentin Dedji

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Text file – Service of Worship

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Methodist Hymn Book 954 – Another Year is Dawning
Singing the faith 639 – Through the love of God our Saviour 
Mary Peters

Music for your personal worship…
By the Grace of God — Tim Hughes


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  • Text documents may be printed or copied for use in personal worship.
  • Video Recordings and Audio Podcasts –  Subject to Copyright © owned by Enfield Methodist Circuit and J.Evans of ‘evansuk’ ; copying, dissection, re-recording or distribution is prohibited without prior written consent of both parties. Youtube terms and conditions also apply.
  • You tube links – Subject to copyright owned by the originators. Youtube terms and conditions also apply.
  • The talks and sermons are written and delivered by ordained clergy or accredited preachers of, The Methodist Church, The United Reformed Church or other Christian denomination formally recognised in the United Kingdom. Views and opinions expressed or inferred in any talk or sermon are not necessarily those of Enfield Methodist Circuit, The Methodist Church or The United Reformed Church.